Although the common data model can unify the coding “vocabulary” in EHRs, the coding “dialect” (i.e., the use and interpretation of codes for a particular clinical procedure or diagnosis) may differ across healthcare systems due to heterogeneity in both care practice and financial drivers. The iSphereMAP algorithm generates a mapping of medical codes between two healthcare systems or coding systems, thus improving interoperability and transportability. Python package: CPT-SCAN The current procedural terminology (CPT), a core element of the electronic health records, is a medical code set that is used to endorse medical, surgical, and diagnostic procedures and services. This tool provides interactive visualization implementing hypothesis testing and penalized regression with inference to compare healthcare utilization using the CPT codes. Shiny App: R package: PFS-AUDIT An interactive decision support tool for detecting bias in assessment of progression free survival (PFS) in the design and analysis of clinical trials using a sample-based audit strategy, including interim and final analyses reports, trial-specific operating characteristics, sampling mechanism comparison, and threshold determination. Shiny App: |