Data-driven Automated Negative Control Estimation (DANCE): Automated Search for and Validation of Negative Controls.
Kummerfeld E, Lim J*, Shi X. (2022). Journal of Machine Learning Research, in press.
Patient Recruitment Using Electronic Health Records Under Selection Bias: a Two-phase Sampling Framework
Zhang G*, Beesley LJ, Mukherjee B, Shi X. (2022). Annals of Applied Statistics, in press
Double Negative Control Inference in Test-Negative Design Studies of Vaccine Effectiveness
Li Q*, Shi X, Miao W, Tchetgen Tchetgen EJ. (2023). Journal of the American Statistical Association: Theory and Methods, in press.
Semiparametric proximal causal inference
Cui Y, Pu H, Shi X, Miao W, Tchetgen Tchetgen EJ. (2023). Journal of the American Statistical Association: Theory and Methods, in press.
Proximal Causal Inference for Complex Longitudinal Studies [David P. Byar Young Investigator Award]
Ying A, Miao W, Shi X, Tchetgen Tchetgen EJ. (2023). Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology), in press.
Collaborative inference for treatment effect with distributed data-sharing management in multicenter studiesHu M*, Shi X, Song PXK. (2023). Statistics in Medicine, in press. [Distinguished Student Paper Award, ENAR 2021]
Online Causal Inference with Application to Near Real-Time Post-Market Vaccine Safety Surveillance
Luo L, Risk M*, Shi X. Statistics in Medicine, in press. (2023)
A Framework for Understanding Selection Bias in Real-World Healthcare Data
Kundu R, Shi X, Morrison J, Barrett J, Mukherjee B. (2023). Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A, in press.
Targeted Learning with an Undersmoothed Lasso Propensity Score Model for Large-Scale Covariate Adjustment in Healthcare Database Studies
Wyss R, van der Laan M, Gruber S, Shi X, Lee H, Dutcher SK, Nelson JC, Toh D, Wang SV, Desai RJ, Lin K. (2023). American Journal of Epidemiology, in press
A PRocess guide for INferential studies using healthcare data from routine ClinIcal Practice to evaLuate causal Effects of Drugs (PRINCIPLED): Considerations from the FDA Sentinel Innovation Center
Desai RJ, Wang SV, Sreedhara SK, Zabotka L, Khosrow-Khavar F, Nelson JC, Shi X, Toh S, Wyss R, Patorno E, Dutcher S, Li J,Greene C, Lee H, Ball R, Dal Pan G, Segal K, Suissa S, Rothman K, Greenland S, Hernan M, Heagerty PJ, Schneeweiss S. (2023). The BMJ, in press
Current Challenges with the Use of Test-Negative Designs for Modeling COVID-19 Vaccination and Outcomes
Shi X, Li Q*, Mukherjee B. (2022). American Journal of Epidemiology, in press.
Data Integration in Causal Inference
Shi X, Pan Z*, Miao W. (2022). WIREs Computational Statistics, in press.
An Introduction to Proximal Causal Learning
Tchetgen Tchetgen EJ, Ying A, Cui Y, Shi X, and Miao W. (2021). Statistical Science, in press
Errors-in-variables bias in Synthetic Controls: a cautionary note and a potential solution
Tchetgen Tchetgen EJ, Dukes O, Shi X, Miao W, Richardson D (2022). American Journal of Epidemiology, in press.
Analysis of Readmissions Data Taking Account of Competing Risks
Wu W, He K, Shi X, Schaubel D, Kalbfleisch J. (2022). Statistical Methods in Medical Research, in press. [ASA Lifetime Data Science Section 2021 Student Paper Award]
A Case-Crossover Phenome-wide Association Study (PheWAS) for Understanding Post-COVID-19 Diagnosis Patterns.
Haupert SR, Shi X, Chen C, Fritsche LG, Mukherjee B (2022). Journal of Biomedical Informatics, in press.
Multiview Incomplete Knowledge Graph Integration with Application to Cross-institutional EHR Data Harmonization
Zhou D, Gan Z, Shi X, Patwari A, Rush E, Bonzel C, Panickan VA, Hong C, Ho Y, Cai T, Costa L, Li X, Castro VM, Murphy SN, Brat G, Weber G, Avillach P, Gaziano JM, Cho K, Liao K, Lu J, Cai T (2022). Journal of Biomedical Informatics, in press
Impact of Nonrandom Selection Mechanisms on the Causal Effect Estimation for Two-sample Mendelian Randomization Methods
Yu Y, Hou L, Shi X, Sun X, Liu X, Yu Y, Yuan Z, Li H, Xue H (2022). PLOS Genetics, in press.
Spherical regression under mismatch corruption with application to automated knowledge translation
Shi X, Li X, and Cai T (2021). Journal of the American Statistical Association: Theory and Methods, 116(536):1953-1964
Multiply robust causal inference with double negative control adjustment for categorical unmeasured confounding
Shi X, Miao W, Nelson J, and Tchetgen Tchetgen EJ (2020). Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology), 82(2):521-540
A Selective Review of Negative Control Methods in Epidemiology
Shi X, Miao W, and Tchetgen Tchetgen EJ (2020). Current Epidemiology Reports, 7, 190-202
Safety surveillance and the estimation of risk in select populations: flexible methods to control for confounding while targeting marginal comparisons via standardization [Student Travel Award, ICHPS 2018]
Shi X, Wellman R, Heagerty PJ, Nelson JC, and Cook AJ (2020). Statistics in Medicine, 39(4):369-386
Veridical Causal Inference using Propensity Score Methods for Comparative Effectiveness Research with Medical Claims
Ross R, Shi X, Caram M, Tsao P, Lin P, Bohnert A, Zhang M, Mukherjee B (2020). Health Services and Outcomes Research Methodology, in press.
A Comparison of Parametric Propensity Score-Based Methods for Causal Inference with Multiple Treatments and a Binary Outcome
Yu Y, Zhang M, Shi X, Caram M, Little R, Mukherjee B (2020). Statistics in Medicine, 40(7):1653-1677.
Phenotype risk scores (PheRS) for pancreatic cancer using time-stamped electronic health record data: Discovery and validation in two large biobanks
Salvatore M, Beesley L, Fritsche L, Hanauer D, Shi X, Mondul A, Pearce C, Mukherjee B (2020). Journal of Biomedical Informatics, in press.
Clinical concept embeddings learned from massive sources of multimodal medical data
Beam AL, Kompa B, Fried I, Palmer N, Shi X, Cai T, and Kohane I (2020). Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing (PSB), 25: 295-306
Estimation of natural indirect effects robust to unmeasured confounding and mediator measurement error
Fulcher IR, Shi X, and Tchetgen Tchetgen, EJ (2019). Epidemiology, 30(6):825-834
A general approach to detect gene (G)-environment (E) additive interaction leveraging G-E independence in case-control studies
Tchetgen Tchetgen EJ, Shi X, Sofer T, and Wong, HW (2019). Statistics in Medicine. 38(24):4841-4853
Safety signaling methods for survival outcomes to control for confounding in the Mini-sentinel distributed database
Cook AJ, Wellman RD, Shi X, Izem R, Zhang R, Nguyen M, Tiwari RC, Heckbert SR, Gruber S, and Nelson JC (2018). FDA’s Sentinel Initiative: Project Report
Comparing healthcare utilization patterns via global differences in the endorsement of current procedural terminology codes [Distinguished Oral Presentation Award, WNAR 2015]
Shi X, Pashova H, and Heagerty PJ (2017). Annals of Applied Statistics, 11(3):1349-1374
Doubly Robust Proximal Synthetic Controls.
Qiu H, Shi X, Miao W, Dobriban E, Tchetgen Tchetgen EJ. (2022)
Doubly Robust Proximal Causal Inference under Confounded Outcome-Dependent Sampling
Li Q*, Shi X, Miao W, Tchetgen Tchetgen EJ. (2022)
Theory for identification and Inference with Synthetic Controls: A Proximal Causal Inference Framework
Shi X, Miao W, Hu M, and Tchetgen Tchetgen EJ. (2022)
Integrating large scale genetic and clinical information to predict cases of heart failure
Wu KH*, Douville NJ, Yu X, Mathis MR, Graham SE, Global Biobank Meta-analysis Initiative (GBMI), Surakka I, Hornsby WE, Willer CJ, Shi X. (2022).
A Confounding Bridge Approach for Double Negative Control Inference on Causal Effects
Miao W, Shi X, and Tchetgen Tchetgen EJ. (2021).
Kummerfeld E, Lim J*, Shi X. (2022). Journal of Machine Learning Research, in press.
Patient Recruitment Using Electronic Health Records Under Selection Bias: a Two-phase Sampling Framework
Zhang G*, Beesley LJ, Mukherjee B, Shi X. (2022). Annals of Applied Statistics, in press
Double Negative Control Inference in Test-Negative Design Studies of Vaccine Effectiveness
Li Q*, Shi X, Miao W, Tchetgen Tchetgen EJ. (2023). Journal of the American Statistical Association: Theory and Methods, in press.
Semiparametric proximal causal inference
Cui Y, Pu H, Shi X, Miao W, Tchetgen Tchetgen EJ. (2023). Journal of the American Statistical Association: Theory and Methods, in press.
Proximal Causal Inference for Complex Longitudinal Studies [David P. Byar Young Investigator Award]
Ying A, Miao W, Shi X, Tchetgen Tchetgen EJ. (2023). Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology), in press.
Collaborative inference for treatment effect with distributed data-sharing management in multicenter studiesHu M*, Shi X, Song PXK. (2023). Statistics in Medicine, in press. [Distinguished Student Paper Award, ENAR 2021]
Online Causal Inference with Application to Near Real-Time Post-Market Vaccine Safety Surveillance
Luo L, Risk M*, Shi X. Statistics in Medicine, in press. (2023)
A Framework for Understanding Selection Bias in Real-World Healthcare Data
Kundu R, Shi X, Morrison J, Barrett J, Mukherjee B. (2023). Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A, in press.
Targeted Learning with an Undersmoothed Lasso Propensity Score Model for Large-Scale Covariate Adjustment in Healthcare Database Studies
Wyss R, van der Laan M, Gruber S, Shi X, Lee H, Dutcher SK, Nelson JC, Toh D, Wang SV, Desai RJ, Lin K. (2023). American Journal of Epidemiology, in press
A PRocess guide for INferential studies using healthcare data from routine ClinIcal Practice to evaLuate causal Effects of Drugs (PRINCIPLED): Considerations from the FDA Sentinel Innovation Center
Desai RJ, Wang SV, Sreedhara SK, Zabotka L, Khosrow-Khavar F, Nelson JC, Shi X, Toh S, Wyss R, Patorno E, Dutcher S, Li J,Greene C, Lee H, Ball R, Dal Pan G, Segal K, Suissa S, Rothman K, Greenland S, Hernan M, Heagerty PJ, Schneeweiss S. (2023). The BMJ, in press
Current Challenges with the Use of Test-Negative Designs for Modeling COVID-19 Vaccination and Outcomes
Shi X, Li Q*, Mukherjee B. (2022). American Journal of Epidemiology, in press.
Data Integration in Causal Inference
Shi X, Pan Z*, Miao W. (2022). WIREs Computational Statistics, in press.
An Introduction to Proximal Causal Learning
Tchetgen Tchetgen EJ, Ying A, Cui Y, Shi X, and Miao W. (2021). Statistical Science, in press
Errors-in-variables bias in Synthetic Controls: a cautionary note and a potential solution
Tchetgen Tchetgen EJ, Dukes O, Shi X, Miao W, Richardson D (2022). American Journal of Epidemiology, in press.
Analysis of Readmissions Data Taking Account of Competing Risks
Wu W, He K, Shi X, Schaubel D, Kalbfleisch J. (2022). Statistical Methods in Medical Research, in press. [ASA Lifetime Data Science Section 2021 Student Paper Award]
A Case-Crossover Phenome-wide Association Study (PheWAS) for Understanding Post-COVID-19 Diagnosis Patterns.
Haupert SR, Shi X, Chen C, Fritsche LG, Mukherjee B (2022). Journal of Biomedical Informatics, in press.
Multiview Incomplete Knowledge Graph Integration with Application to Cross-institutional EHR Data Harmonization
Zhou D, Gan Z, Shi X, Patwari A, Rush E, Bonzel C, Panickan VA, Hong C, Ho Y, Cai T, Costa L, Li X, Castro VM, Murphy SN, Brat G, Weber G, Avillach P, Gaziano JM, Cho K, Liao K, Lu J, Cai T (2022). Journal of Biomedical Informatics, in press
Impact of Nonrandom Selection Mechanisms on the Causal Effect Estimation for Two-sample Mendelian Randomization Methods
Yu Y, Hou L, Shi X, Sun X, Liu X, Yu Y, Yuan Z, Li H, Xue H (2022). PLOS Genetics, in press.
Spherical regression under mismatch corruption with application to automated knowledge translation
Shi X, Li X, and Cai T (2021). Journal of the American Statistical Association: Theory and Methods, 116(536):1953-1964
Multiply robust causal inference with double negative control adjustment for categorical unmeasured confounding
Shi X, Miao W, Nelson J, and Tchetgen Tchetgen EJ (2020). Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology), 82(2):521-540
A Selective Review of Negative Control Methods in Epidemiology
Shi X, Miao W, and Tchetgen Tchetgen EJ (2020). Current Epidemiology Reports, 7, 190-202
Safety surveillance and the estimation of risk in select populations: flexible methods to control for confounding while targeting marginal comparisons via standardization [Student Travel Award, ICHPS 2018]
Shi X, Wellman R, Heagerty PJ, Nelson JC, and Cook AJ (2020). Statistics in Medicine, 39(4):369-386
Veridical Causal Inference using Propensity Score Methods for Comparative Effectiveness Research with Medical Claims
Ross R, Shi X, Caram M, Tsao P, Lin P, Bohnert A, Zhang M, Mukherjee B (2020). Health Services and Outcomes Research Methodology, in press.
A Comparison of Parametric Propensity Score-Based Methods for Causal Inference with Multiple Treatments and a Binary Outcome
Yu Y, Zhang M, Shi X, Caram M, Little R, Mukherjee B (2020). Statistics in Medicine, 40(7):1653-1677.
Phenotype risk scores (PheRS) for pancreatic cancer using time-stamped electronic health record data: Discovery and validation in two large biobanks
Salvatore M, Beesley L, Fritsche L, Hanauer D, Shi X, Mondul A, Pearce C, Mukherjee B (2020). Journal of Biomedical Informatics, in press.
Clinical concept embeddings learned from massive sources of multimodal medical data
Beam AL, Kompa B, Fried I, Palmer N, Shi X, Cai T, and Kohane I (2020). Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing (PSB), 25: 295-306
Estimation of natural indirect effects robust to unmeasured confounding and mediator measurement error
Fulcher IR, Shi X, and Tchetgen Tchetgen, EJ (2019). Epidemiology, 30(6):825-834
A general approach to detect gene (G)-environment (E) additive interaction leveraging G-E independence in case-control studies
Tchetgen Tchetgen EJ, Shi X, Sofer T, and Wong, HW (2019). Statistics in Medicine. 38(24):4841-4853
Safety signaling methods for survival outcomes to control for confounding in the Mini-sentinel distributed database
Cook AJ, Wellman RD, Shi X, Izem R, Zhang R, Nguyen M, Tiwari RC, Heckbert SR, Gruber S, and Nelson JC (2018). FDA’s Sentinel Initiative: Project Report
Comparing healthcare utilization patterns via global differences in the endorsement of current procedural terminology codes [Distinguished Oral Presentation Award, WNAR 2015]
Shi X, Pashova H, and Heagerty PJ (2017). Annals of Applied Statistics, 11(3):1349-1374
Doubly Robust Proximal Synthetic Controls.
Qiu H, Shi X, Miao W, Dobriban E, Tchetgen Tchetgen EJ. (2022)
Doubly Robust Proximal Causal Inference under Confounded Outcome-Dependent Sampling
Li Q*, Shi X, Miao W, Tchetgen Tchetgen EJ. (2022)
Theory for identification and Inference with Synthetic Controls: A Proximal Causal Inference Framework
Shi X, Miao W, Hu M, and Tchetgen Tchetgen EJ. (2022)
Integrating large scale genetic and clinical information to predict cases of heart failure
Wu KH*, Douville NJ, Yu X, Mathis MR, Graham SE, Global Biobank Meta-analysis Initiative (GBMI), Surakka I, Hornsby WE, Willer CJ, Shi X. (2022).
A Confounding Bridge Approach for Double Negative Control Inference on Causal Effects
Miao W, Shi X, and Tchetgen Tchetgen EJ. (2021).
Racial and ethnic differences in sleep-disordered breathing and sleep duration related to stroke.
Springer MV, Lisabeth LD, Gibbs R, Shi X, Case E, Chervin RD, Dong L, Brown DL (2022). Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases, in press.
Outcomes in the year after first-ever ischemic stroke in a bi-ethnic population.
Lisabeth LD, Brown DL, Dong L, Zahuranec DB, Kwicklis M, Shi X, Case E, Smith MA, Campbell M, Carrera JF, Morgenstern LB (2022). Annals of Neurology, in press.
Measurement and validation of the Comprehensive Score for financial toxicity (COST) in a population with diabetes.
Patel MR, Zhang G, Heisler M, Song PXK, Piette JD, Shi X, Choe HM, Smith A, Resnicow K (2022). Diabetes Care, in press.
COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness against omicron (B.1.1.529) variant infection and hospitalisation in patients taking immunosuppressive medications: a retrospective cohort study.
Risk M, Hayek S, Schiopu E, Yuan L Shen C, Shi X, Freed G, Zhao L (2022). The Lancet Rheumatology, in press.
Global Prevalence of Post COVID-19 Condition or Long COVID: A Meta-Analysis and Systematic Review.
Chen C, Haupert SR, Zimmermann L, Shi X, Fritsche LG, Mukherjee B (2022). Journal of Infectious Diseases, in press.
Ten‐Year Trends in Sleep‐Disordered Breathing After Ischemic Stroke: 2010 to 2019 Data From the BASIC Project.
Schütz SG, Lisabeth L, Gibbs R, Shi X, Chervin RD, Kwicklis M, Case E, Brown, DL (2022). Journal of the American Heart Association, in press.
Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on unmet social needs, self-care, and outcomes among people with diabetes and poor glycemic control.
Patel MR, Zhang G, Leung C, Song PXK, Heisler M, Choe HM, Mehdipanah R, Shi X, Resnicow K, Rajaee G, Piette JD. Primary Care Diabetes, in press
Understanding the Patterns of Serological Testing for COVID-19 Pre- and Post-Vaccination Rollout in Michigan
Zhao Z, Salerno S, Shi X, Lee S, Mukherjee B, Fritsche LG (2021). Journal of Clinical Medicine, 10(19), 4341
Study Protocol: CareAvenue program to improve unmet social risk factors and diabetes outcomes- A randomized controlled trial
Patel MR, Heisler M, Piette JD, Resnicow K, Song PXK, Choe HM, Shi X, Tobi J, Smith A (2020). Contemporary Clinical Trials, 89:105933
Exposure and risk factors for COVID-19 and the impact of staying home on Michigan residents
Wu KH*, Hornsby WE, Klunder B, Krause A, Driscoll A, Kulka J, Bickett-Hickok R, Fellows A, Graham S, Kaleba EO, Hayek SS, Shi X, Sutton NR, Douuville N, Mukherjee B, Jammerson K, Brummett CCM, Willer CJ (2021). PLOS ONE, 16(2), p.e0246447
Wake-Up Stroke is not associated with Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Schütz SG, Lisabeth LD, Gibbs R, Shi X, Case E, Chervin RD, Brown DL. (2021). Sleep Medicine, 81:158-62.
Tissue-based stroke definition impacts stroke incidence but not ethnic differences
Morgenstern LB, Zahuranec DB, Lim J, Shi X, Brown DL, Kerber KA, Meurer WJ, Skolarus LE, Adelman EE, Campbell MS, Case E, Lisabeth LD. (2021). Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases, in press.
The comparative effectiveness of minimally invasive surgery and conventional approaches to major or challenging hepatectomies [covered by the Seattle Times]
Thornblade LW, Shi X, Ruiz A, Flum DR, and Park JO (2017). Journal of the American College of Surgeons, 224(5):851-861
Preoperative immunonutrition and elective colorectal resection outcomes
Thornblade LW, Varghese TK, Shi X, Johnson EK, Bastawrous A, Billingham RP, Thirlby R, Fichera A, and Flum DR (2017). Diseases of Colon and Rectum, 60(1):68-75
Long term effects of repeated injections of local anesthetic with or without corticosteroid for lumbar spinal stenosis: a randomized trial
Friedly JL, Comstock BA, Turner JA, Heagerty PJ, Deyo RA, Bauer Z, Avins AL, Nedeljkovic SS, Nerenz DR,
Shi X, Annaswamy T, Standaert CJ, Smuck M, Kennedy DJ, Akuthota V, Sibell D, Wasan AD, Diehn F, Suri P, Rundell SD, Kessler L, Chen AS, and Jarvik JG. (2017). Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 98(8):1499-1507
Association of early imaging for back pain with clinical outcomes in older adults
Jarvik, JG, Gold, LS, Comstock, BA, Heagerty, PJ, Rundell, SD, Turner, JA, Avins, AL, Bauer, Z, Bresnahan, BW, Friedly, JL, James, K, Kessler, L, Nedeljkovic, SS, Nerenz, DR, Shi X, Sullivan, SD, Chan, L, Schwalb, JM, and Deyo, RA (2015). Journal of the American Medical Association, 313(11):1143-1153
Back pain in seniors: the back pain outcomes using longitudinal data (BOLD) cohort baseline data
Jarvik, JG, Comstock, BA, Heagerty, PJ, Turner, JA, Sullivan, SD, Shi X, Nerenz, DR, Nedeljkovic, SS, Kessler, L, James, K, Friedly, JL, Bresnahan, BW, Bauer, Z, Avins, AL, and Deyo, RA. (2014). BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 15(134):1-11
Springer MV, Lisabeth LD, Gibbs R, Shi X, Case E, Chervin RD, Dong L, Brown DL (2022). Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases, in press.
Outcomes in the year after first-ever ischemic stroke in a bi-ethnic population.
Lisabeth LD, Brown DL, Dong L, Zahuranec DB, Kwicklis M, Shi X, Case E, Smith MA, Campbell M, Carrera JF, Morgenstern LB (2022). Annals of Neurology, in press.
Measurement and validation of the Comprehensive Score for financial toxicity (COST) in a population with diabetes.
Patel MR, Zhang G, Heisler M, Song PXK, Piette JD, Shi X, Choe HM, Smith A, Resnicow K (2022). Diabetes Care, in press.
COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness against omicron (B.1.1.529) variant infection and hospitalisation in patients taking immunosuppressive medications: a retrospective cohort study.
Risk M, Hayek S, Schiopu E, Yuan L Shen C, Shi X, Freed G, Zhao L (2022). The Lancet Rheumatology, in press.
Global Prevalence of Post COVID-19 Condition or Long COVID: A Meta-Analysis and Systematic Review.
Chen C, Haupert SR, Zimmermann L, Shi X, Fritsche LG, Mukherjee B (2022). Journal of Infectious Diseases, in press.
Ten‐Year Trends in Sleep‐Disordered Breathing After Ischemic Stroke: 2010 to 2019 Data From the BASIC Project.
Schütz SG, Lisabeth L, Gibbs R, Shi X, Chervin RD, Kwicklis M, Case E, Brown, DL (2022). Journal of the American Heart Association, in press.
Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on unmet social needs, self-care, and outcomes among people with diabetes and poor glycemic control.
Patel MR, Zhang G, Leung C, Song PXK, Heisler M, Choe HM, Mehdipanah R, Shi X, Resnicow K, Rajaee G, Piette JD. Primary Care Diabetes, in press
Understanding the Patterns of Serological Testing for COVID-19 Pre- and Post-Vaccination Rollout in Michigan
Zhao Z, Salerno S, Shi X, Lee S, Mukherjee B, Fritsche LG (2021). Journal of Clinical Medicine, 10(19), 4341
Study Protocol: CareAvenue program to improve unmet social risk factors and diabetes outcomes- A randomized controlled trial
Patel MR, Heisler M, Piette JD, Resnicow K, Song PXK, Choe HM, Shi X, Tobi J, Smith A (2020). Contemporary Clinical Trials, 89:105933
Exposure and risk factors for COVID-19 and the impact of staying home on Michigan residents
Wu KH*, Hornsby WE, Klunder B, Krause A, Driscoll A, Kulka J, Bickett-Hickok R, Fellows A, Graham S, Kaleba EO, Hayek SS, Shi X, Sutton NR, Douuville N, Mukherjee B, Jammerson K, Brummett CCM, Willer CJ (2021). PLOS ONE, 16(2), p.e0246447
Wake-Up Stroke is not associated with Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Schütz SG, Lisabeth LD, Gibbs R, Shi X, Case E, Chervin RD, Brown DL. (2021). Sleep Medicine, 81:158-62.
Tissue-based stroke definition impacts stroke incidence but not ethnic differences
Morgenstern LB, Zahuranec DB, Lim J, Shi X, Brown DL, Kerber KA, Meurer WJ, Skolarus LE, Adelman EE, Campbell MS, Case E, Lisabeth LD. (2021). Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases, in press.
The comparative effectiveness of minimally invasive surgery and conventional approaches to major or challenging hepatectomies [covered by the Seattle Times]
Thornblade LW, Shi X, Ruiz A, Flum DR, and Park JO (2017). Journal of the American College of Surgeons, 224(5):851-861
Preoperative immunonutrition and elective colorectal resection outcomes
Thornblade LW, Varghese TK, Shi X, Johnson EK, Bastawrous A, Billingham RP, Thirlby R, Fichera A, and Flum DR (2017). Diseases of Colon and Rectum, 60(1):68-75
Long term effects of repeated injections of local anesthetic with or without corticosteroid for lumbar spinal stenosis: a randomized trial
Friedly JL, Comstock BA, Turner JA, Heagerty PJ, Deyo RA, Bauer Z, Avins AL, Nedeljkovic SS, Nerenz DR,
Shi X, Annaswamy T, Standaert CJ, Smuck M, Kennedy DJ, Akuthota V, Sibell D, Wasan AD, Diehn F, Suri P, Rundell SD, Kessler L, Chen AS, and Jarvik JG. (2017). Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 98(8):1499-1507
Association of early imaging for back pain with clinical outcomes in older adults
Jarvik, JG, Gold, LS, Comstock, BA, Heagerty, PJ, Rundell, SD, Turner, JA, Avins, AL, Bauer, Z, Bresnahan, BW, Friedly, JL, James, K, Kessler, L, Nedeljkovic, SS, Nerenz, DR, Shi X, Sullivan, SD, Chan, L, Schwalb, JM, and Deyo, RA (2015). Journal of the American Medical Association, 313(11):1143-1153
Back pain in seniors: the back pain outcomes using longitudinal data (BOLD) cohort baseline data
Jarvik, JG, Comstock, BA, Heagerty, PJ, Turner, JA, Sullivan, SD, Shi X, Nerenz, DR, Nedeljkovic, SS, Kessler, L, James, K, Friedly, JL, Bresnahan, BW, Bauer, Z, Avins, AL, and Deyo, RA. (2014). BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 15(134):1-11
* indicates student and postdoc advisees